Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Feet Curiously Planted In Mid-Air

I was intrigued by the president's statement that the CIA should "uphold our values." In a way it reminds me of the "it all depends on what the meaning of the word 'is' is" statement of a former president. It all depends on what the meaning of the word "our" is. It all depends on the meaning of the word "values" is. No, really, it all depends on what grounds one can stand for or hold up anything if there is no ultimate "truth" to make those actions meaningful.

Case in point: the president's position of abortion, late-term abortion, even post-term abortion as chronicled over the years since his days as an Illinois state senator, including the endorsement of his HHS pick. It is no problem to endorse barbarism in or around the womb. To be comparatively lightweight on known terrorists, however is an essential value for the CIA.

Values planted firmly on nothing.

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John and Cindy

John and Cindy
Kings Cross, London UK 2007