Saturday, September 01, 2007

Comments on First Corinthians - Part 5

1 Corinthians 5-6 Part Two: We quote the scripture that God has given us "everything pertaining to life and godliness." The scripture also says that the mature are those "who through practice, have their sensed trained to discern good and evil." In other words, the mature person listens to God's instructions, practices them and gains clarity and discernment. They are not clueless about "the right thing to do" any more. These are the ones that Paul says to go to for conflict resolution, not to judges that are spiritually clueless.

While God's standards must inform -- even condemn -- the world, the church "polices" its own, God deals with those outside. When we are "grown up" we will judge the world and even angels. Are we getting ready for that -- by studying and practicing -- or are we just "expecting it to happen" by and by? This was another area where the Corinthians were dishonoring the body. Instead of pursuing maturity and helpfulness toward the church, they were living just like those whom God condemns, preying on one another. People are either servants or predators. The Corinthians were being the latter.

For Christians -- and in the usage of Paul -- "the body" can either refer to an individual's flesh and bones, or to the corporate church. It would seem that those who dishonor one dishonor the other. That is definitely true throughout 1 Corinthians. Paul's warnings apply equally to both. A person's body is for Christ, not for immorality. The Church body is for Christ, not for immorality. God made both the stomach and food, but food doesn't rule the stomach, God does. Sexuality (or anything that tends to "control" people) doesn't rule the person or the church, Christ does. He owns the lives he bought. Beware of your appetites.

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John and Cindy

John and Cindy
Kings Cross, London UK 2007