Friday, January 06, 2006

The "Absolutization" of the Individual

Reading an article on Dutch polyamory, I reminisce of the days shortly after one of the major sodomy rulings -- perhaps the Lawrence vs. Texas ruling in 2003 -- or maybe another one. Regardless, only days after the ruling I recall an news blurb about a small group of men engaging in sodomy at a public beach. I recall thinking that the whole undercurrent of modern moral revisionism -- the debunking of shared societal absolutes -- boils down to one issue:

Nobody can tell me what to do.

Franky Schaeffer said essentially the same thing at a talk I attended back in the eighties. His statement about the "me" generation -- even more evident twenty years later -- was that modern man operates by the 11th Commandment:

Thou shalt not get in my way.

When Jesus was on trial before his countrymen, Pilate asked if they wanted him to be released. Their common cry was, "We do not want this man to rule over us." AD70 was the near term result.

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John and Cindy

John and Cindy
Kings Cross, London UK 2007