I was one of the many moviegoers who helped Pirates 2 set box office opening records last weekend. I can't say I wasn't warned. I read a couple of reviews online before the matinee -- one at Slate and another at Chicago Tribune. They both led me to prepare for a veritable yawner.
It's not that it didn't have some notable aspects, though. The CG was very well done and well integrated into the film.
As we drove away from the theater, my lovely and perceptive wife, Cindy, made note of a couple of themes that kept surfacing in the storyline: paying your soul debt, facing final judgment and experiencing redemption.
As we talked about it she reminded me of Jesus statement when he rode into Jerusalem amid the cheers and adulation of the crowd. The religious leaders were offended and wanted Jesus to silence the crowd. They were aggressively suppressing the truth of the prophetic scenario playing out in front of them.
Jesus answered them, "If they are silent, even the rocks will cry out."As hard as we try to silence the moral and spiritual themes of life, they keep popping up -- sometimes in places you would least expect them -- like Pirates of the Caribbean!